Frushi- Take II

I have been blogging mere months, not even 4, but I'm already repeating some mistakes recipes. Carrie braved the summer construction/chicago traffic to come visit for the weekend, so the least I could do was try the fruit sushi again when she requested it. I really thought just being more patient and waiting for the chocolate dough and rice to cool more thoroughly would do the trick. This time around I'm thinking perhaps I need to be more careful when melting the chocolate in the first place. It's such a small amount, too tricky! Next time I will melt double (at least) what's needed and measure out the 1.5 oz after it's melted. It still tasted delightful, so there will be a next time. So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for '3rd times a charm' so not only will it be tasty but good looking and easy to handle.

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